
Business Model Design Program

Stress-test your business ideas before getting outside the building

BMD program teaches you to deconstruct your business idea in a 1-pager Lean Canvas and stress-test it for desirability, viability, and feasibility.

A working business model = A successful product.

Investors today don’t fund solutions that work;they fund business models that work. Being able to communicate your idea clearly&concisely to your key stakeholders is critically important in order to gain their buy-in. Pitching is a key skill all entrepreneurs need to learn. You don't just pitch for investment. You pitch to acquire customers, co-founders, & advisors.

Investors today don’t fund solutions that work;they fund business models that work. Being able to communicate your idea clearly&concisely to your key stakeholders is critically important in order to gain their buy-in. Pitching is a key skill all entrepreneurs need to learn. You don't just pitch for investment. You pitch to acquire customers, co-founders, & advisors.

Investors today don’t fund solutions that work;they fund business models that work. Being able to communicate your idea clearly&concisely to your key stakeholders is critically important in order to gain their buy-in. Pitching is a key skill all entrepreneurs need to learn. You don't just pitch for investment. You pitch to acquire customers, co-founders, & advisors.

The good news is that, much like building a product, you can take a systematic approach to building out your business model. It starts with laying out a solid business model design blueprint. A business model design blueprint helps you deconstruct your idea into a set of key assumptions (captured on a 1-page Lean Canvas), from where you prioritize your riskiest assumptions and formulate a stage-based validation strategy for bringing your idea to life.
This workshop shows you how.

Who is this program for ?

What will you learn?

Deconstruct your initial ideas(s) into one or more possible business models.

Prioritize the riskiest assaumptions to tackle first.

Avoid the most common pitfalls that trip early-stage products.

Stress-test your business model(s) for desirability, viability, and feasibility, before investing any significant resources.

Test whether your business model represents a big-enough problem worth solving.

Communicate your idea clearly and concisely to others (co-founders, advisors, investors) so they buy in.

Program Structure

In BMD, you learn by doing. The program is delivered over four online workshops (2 hours each) that run weekly over 30 days. These workshops teach you the latest techniques for designing a bullet-proof business model. In between workshop sessions, you'll get to apply everything you learn using a battle-tested curriculum and online business modeling tools. At the end of the program, a Leantersect coach will review your business model with you and share feedback in a private coaching session.

Program Agenda


Continuous Innovation Framework

What separates successful entrepreneurs isn't differing skill sets, but differing mindsets. In this workshop, you'll learn the key mindsets and strategies for building the next generation of products that matter.


Stress Test Your Idea For Desirability

As entrepreneurs, we are charged with building better products, but what does better even mean? This is the million (or billion) dollar question that we'll cover in this workshop.


Stress Test Your Idea For Viability

Too many entrepreneurs rush outside the building with a product only to find out months later that they are chasing too small an idea. In this workshop, you'll learn how to test whether your idea is worth pursuing in 5 minutes versus 5 months.


Stress Test Your Idea For Feasibility

In this workshop, you'll learn how to formulate a stage-based product launch and validation strategy using battle-tested recipes.


Coaching session: Business model diagnostic

At the end of the program, you'll get live feedback from a LEANSTACK certified coach on your business model, validation strategy, and immediate next steps for moving your idea forward.

Program Overview

Delivered 100% online in multiple time.
Attend from anywhere.

4 weekly workshops.
2 hours each.

Learn by doing.
Design your business model.

Online tools.
Put your learnings to practice.

Community support.
Discussions and private forums.

Private coaching.
Get feedback on your business model.

Still, have questions? Request a FREE demo

If you have requested the BMD program demo, it will be delivered to you shortly.

In the meanwhile, get started with our free resources



1) Innovation Foundations &
2) Business Model Design


1) Lean Canvas (Business Modeling Tool)
2) Traction Roadmap


Live interactive workshop on making the best use of the FREE resources